Should you wish to close the German Bank Account* we offer, please follow the instructions below:
- Submit your account closure request via our contact form
- Our team will follow up on your request within 1 business day
See below 2 scenarios to know what to expect after submitting the request
Scenario 1: If your account was created but there are no funds in it
We will close your account as per your request.
After the account is closed, you will no longer see the Banking tab on your Expatrio app.
Scenario 2 (IMPORTANT): If your account is live and there are still funds in it
Please transfer all the remaining amount to any SEPA account of your own choice before submitting an account closing request to us.
1. Go to your Expatrio app> Banking tab> click Transfer Money button to take this action.
2. After your account balance is 0, you can then submit the account closure request to us. We will close your account afterwards.
After the account is closed, you will no longer see the Banking tab on your Expatrio app.
*Banking services are provided by our partner Aion Bank