Who are Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
Techniker Krankenkasse has many foreign insurance members and provides the Electronic Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for free choice of doctors.
When you become a member of TK, you can use the 24/7 English customer service telephone line and TK-Appointment Service which will help you make a medical appointment at the right clinic for you free of charge.
TK has the the 'Germany's Best Health Insurance Fund' seal for the 17th time running:
TK also offers a Bonusprogramm which accumulates points earned when attending various check-ups, exercises or events and then pays you back with cash or additional services.
When you join Techniker Krankenkasse via Expatrio, you will receive the ISIC (International Student Identity Card) for free. With ISIC you can enjoy more than 42,000 special student benefits in more than 130 countries worldwide.