We want to remind you to stay alert and safeguard your card details against potential scams. To help protect your card and money, please keep the following tips in mind:
🔐 Apple Pay / Google Pay wallet: Only add your card to your digital wallet on your own device, and always maintain control of your digital wallet.
💳 Keep Your Card Details Secure:
Your card details can only be accessed within the Expatrio app and User Portal. Avoid sharing this information with anyone.
⚠️ Do Not Share Sensitive Information: If someone calls you, do not provide any information about your card, or the OTP code (One-Time Password) sent via SMS to log in.
📱 OTP Codes via SMS: Always read OTP (One-Time Password) messages carefully to understand what you’re authorizing. Use the code only if you’re sure of its purpose, and never share it with anyone.
❗ Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect you have mistakenly shared your card details or notice any unusual activity on your account, report it immediately to Expatrio's support team. Restrict your card and request a new one if needed.
Your security is our priority. Let’s stay proactive and protect your financial information together!
*Banking services are provided by our partner Aion Bank