In this article we will cover three situations where you may have an issue logging in to your Expatrio User Portal.
Forgot your password?
If it seems you forgot your password and could not log in, you can simply reset your password by clicking "Forgot your password?" on the log-in screen of the Expatrio portal.
'User Not Found' issue
If you cannot access your profile because when you try to sign in, you receive a notification "user not found" there might be several reasons that might lead to such a situation:
- The account was registered with another email address (most frequent issue)
- The password you are using is wrong
- There are some technical problems on Expatrio's side
To address this problem you should:
- Push the "Forgot your password?" button to change your password OR
- Contact customer support and inquire to change your email in case your password and email address are correct.
It seems like a technical issue?
In case it seems like a technical issue, please contact our support team here. Our Expatrio Support Team will take care of this issue and forward it to our Technical Support if necessary. The same applies to any other issue: simply reach out to us.