Different scenarios would apply depending on what 'transfer detail' you wrote wrong.
When you make a mistake on IBAN and BIC/Swift code:
Your transfer will be rejected.
If your transfer was an Expatrio payment (domestic), please initiate a new payment on your Expatrio portal before sending the funds for the second time. The previous payment will expire until the transfer is rejected and returned to the sender.
If the transfer was not domestic and funds were sent to the details written on the 05 Opening Confirmation, you do not need to reinitiate a new payment. The transfer can be made to the details written on the 05 confirmation.
When you make a mistake small mistake in the recipient details, or in the reference text:
Your transfer will probably not be affected.
For international transfers, writing IBAN and BIC codes correctly is usually sufficient enough for our bank to allocate your transfer to your account.
In Expatrio Payments (Domestic), all the details have to be written correctly and exactly as they are on the transfer details document.